
Free Winter Fantasy Printable Planner Stickers for Erin Condren & Recollections Planner

by - December 11, 2018

Hello lovelies. Happy Tuesday!
I'm so happy to be back!
I know I've been gone for a little while. If you follow me on my insta you probably heard I was in the process of moving recently. So the month of November was a little hectic. I spent most of my time looking for a new home, gathering the things I needed to move out, packing, moving & finally settling in.... So unfortunately I that didn't leave me with much time for planning.
But this week I finally finished setting up my office! I'm so happy at my new place. & grateful to be able to have my own room to craft & do what I love. Yay! 
Now that all of that is done & my office is no longer in boxes. I'm so exited to start planning & creating again. I'm also superrrrr excited for winter & Christmas kits. I cannot wait to bless my planner with new printables! 
So to kick of the season I have created this beautiful snow/ winter fantasy kit. It reminds me a bit of Cinderella or some kind of fairy-tale winter princess.
Something about the white with the blue & the bit of sparkle shining throughout. 
Ughhh I love it so much. 
But I don't want to bore you with too much talking. Just wanted to give a quick update & let you know why I hadn't been posting much. 
Okay, I know you can't wait to get your hands on it lol... so go on... scroll down.
& as always, Enjoy.

Click here for PDF (OLD Format)                                                   Click here for PDF (NEW Format)

Remember this kit is for personal use only. Files cannot be resold, modified or used commercially.
If you would like to share these printables or images on social media please link directly to this printable page, not to the printable file itself and provide a full credit link. @planneronelove & use #planneronelove
If you post it on instagram please tag me. I would love to see how you used this kit. & if you have any issues downloading or printing the kits lmk in the comments.

Click here for PDF (OLD Format)                                                 Click here for PDF (NEW Format)

Description: Winter fantasy/ fairy-tale inspired kit. Themed in white, blue & cool tone browns & a bit of sparkle

  • 10 Full Boxes (8 in new format)
  • 7 Half Boxes (8 in new format)
  • 8 Heart Checklist, 7 Full Heart Checkboxes & 8 Mini Heart Checklist (7,7 & 8 in new format)
  • 1 Weekend Banner
  • 24 Headers (Including 7 To Do's, 7 Today's, 1 This Week, 1 Schedule, 1 Hydrate & 7 blank)
  • Various Labels (Including 7 Meals, 3 hearts, 2 celebration, 1 bills, 4 TV's & 7 Reminder Labels)
  • 1 Hydrate Full Box
  • 2 Habit Trackers
  • 13 Flags of various sizes (12 in new format)
  • 4 Different Sized Bottom Washi strips sized to fit recollection planner
  • 2 solid thin washi strips (none in new format)
  • 4 Circle Labels (3 in new format)
  • 5 Quarter Boxes
  • 4 Rounded Labels (3 in new format)
  • 11 functional icons (none on new format)
  • Deco- snowflakes

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  1. Love your work, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you! It looks almost like this out my window right now.

    1. your so lucky! I've actually never seen snow irl.

  3. I just discovered your site! Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing. I love stickers but do not have the time nor money to make my own/buy them.

  4. This is a beautifull kit im trying to print it out and it's coming out too small does anyone know why this could be happening?

    1. Hello, are you printing the pdf from the link located under the image. Or are you printed the image that's here instead?

    2. Also make sure that when printed under print settings you adjust the scale to 100% if the percentage is lower the boxes will not print to size

  5. I want to use this in my mini Happy Planner what print scale should I use? Thanks!

  6. Ur designs are pretty 😍
    But I'm Not able to download them...error access denied can anyone help me out??


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